Frap Tools 333

Frap Tools 333

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Pro Audio Sum & Distribution

333 / derived from triple three inputs to three outputs.

The 333 is a summing and distribution module for eurorack modular systems.

It is composed of three identical sections, the red, yellow and green, each of those featuring a three inputs summing amplifier with three independently buffered outputs.

Derived directly from the CGM creative mixer series, the sum section is DC coupled, allowing the sum of control voltages as well as audio signals.

With an extremely low tolerance in both sum and output sections, it is suitable also for summing quantized voltages like the ones coming out from the quantized outputs of the SAPEL.

In case CVs or audio signals are particularly hot, the 6dB attenuator might be helpful to reduce exactly by 50% the incoming signals.

Red and yellow output are also normalled to the 1st jack socket of the yellow and green input: in this way this module can also work as a 1 to 9 buffered multiple.


Flexible I/O Patterns (1-9 to 7-1)

The 333 architecture allows you to use it as a mixer, as a buffered multiple, or both.

You can use the three sections together for sending one signal to up to nine outputs, or you can use the three inputs of a section to mix as many sounds or CVS.

Each section’s output is semi-normalled to the following one’s input so that you can blend up to seven signals.

A Perfect Mix

The 333 borrows some design choices from the CGM so that you can mix audio signals with an excellent summing stage and duplicate them.

The inputs are DC-coupled and allow you to precisely sum CVs as well.

Buffered Outputs

All nine outputs are buffered to guarantee a high multiplication fidelity.

Your V/oct signals will be safer than ever!

Switch Attenuators

If your audio signals are too hot, each section has a -6dB switch to halve the amplitude. If you patch CVs, they will be divided by two.

Since the three sections are connected, you can cascade the three switches and get -12 and -18 dB in the second and third sections, respectively.